Press Releases

ANCOM Consults The Strategy for The Use of The 3.4 – 3.8 GHz Band



The Romanian Authority for Management and Regulation in Communications (ANCOM) launched for consultation the Strategy Document on the implementation and development of broadband communications systems at national level in the 3400-3800 MHz frequency band, for the period 2015-2025, establishing the future use of this radio frequency band.
The main step proposed by the Strategy Document consists of organising - in this year’s first half - a selection procedure by which ANCOM will grant new rights for the use of the radio spectrum in the 3410-3600 MHz and 3600-3800 MHz frequency bands with a view to providing public broadband electronic communications networks and services on a national level. The Authority intends to organize one selection procedure for both of the frequency bands. The new usage rights are to enter into force on the 1st of January 2016, for a 10-year period (up to the 31st of December 2025). The winners of the selection procedure will be awarded licences for the right to use their allotted frequency sub-bands for the countrywide provision of broadband data transmission and internet access services.
ANCOM proposes 10 MHz blocks to be auctioned out; thus, paired blocks of 2x10 MHz blocks will be available in the 3410-3600 MHz band, whereas in the 3600-3800 MHz band there will be available 10 MHz unpaired blocks, in accordance with the channel arrangements for the two frequency bands.
Ever since 2011, ANCOM presented its intentions related to the 3400-3600 MHz and 3600-3800 MHz bands, elaborating the Strategy Document on the implementation and development of BWA systems at national level, in the 3400-3800 MHz frequency band, for the period 2011-2020. With the draft Strategy Document launched yesterday for public consultation, ANCOM actually updated and completed the project initiated in 2011. Moreover, ANCOM consulted with the industry – at end-2014 – a Questionnaire regarding the use, in Romania, of the 3400-3600 MHz and 3600-3800 MHz bands, and the answers received were considered in the elaboration of the new document.
Currently, there are seven licences in force in the 3400-3600 MHz radio frequency band, all of them being issued for the nationwide provision of public electronic communications networks and services by means of the Fixed Wireless Access (FWA) and Nomadic Wireless Access (NWA) applications, and one licence in the 3600-3800 MHz band, for the nationwide provision of public electronic communications networks and services by means of Broadband Wireless Access (BWA) applications.
The draft strategy under public consultation is aimed both at meeting the current requirements of the Romanian communications market for awarding new allotments of radio channels at national level for broadband communications networks, in the context of the ongoing technological development, and at implementing the provisions of the Commission Implementing Decision no. 2014/276/EU on amending Decision 2008/411/EC on the harmonisation of the 3400 - 3800 MHz frequency band for terrestrial systems capable of providing electronic communications services in the Community.
The Strategy Document on the implementation and development of broadband communications systems at national level in the 3400-3800 MHz frequency band, for the period 2015-2025 is available, in Romanian language, here. The interested persons are invited to send their opinions and suggestions, by 16.03.2015, to the ANCOM headquarters at 2, Delea Nouă Street, Bucharest 3, or directly to the ANCOM Registry Office or by means of the Authority’s regional offices. Comments may also be sent by fax to +40.372.845.402 or by e-mail to