Press Releases

ANCOM Discussed with the Industry Romtelecom’s Separate Accounting New Methodology

During today’s Consultative Council debate, ANCOM finalised the decision on the approval of the regulation on the elaboration by Romtelecom, the operator obliged to ensure a high level of cost and tariff transparency in its capacity as a provider designated as having significant power on several markets, of the accounting separation within the internal cost accounting system.
The regulation establishes the way Romtelecom will keep the separate accounting for those activities that are related to interconnection with, and access to, its own network or the associated infrastructure, as well as to the activities related to the provision services in the retail market. Separate accounting will provide information on Romtelecom costs and tariffs on the wholesale markets, on the level of the internal transfer prices, as well as on the possible occurrence of competition deficiencies related to cross-subsidization or to the charging of predatory pricing. Therefore, the Authority and the competitors will be certain that the operator offers equivalent conditions for both its own retail business and in relation with the other operators. 
At the same time, part of the calculation methodology, Romtelecom will provide the Authority with additional information on the adoption of the new technologies and on the allocation of the due costs, revenues and capital engaged.
Separate financial statements are to be transmitted to ANCOM and published on the webpage of the operator, on a yearly basis, within 6 months after the closure of the financial exercise they relate to. Also, the operator has the obligation to submit to ANCOM the audited separate financial statements.
According to the provisions of the European framework in the field, applicable once Romania has become a member of the European Union, ANCOM must notify the European Commission, the Body of European Regulators for Electronic Communications (BEREC) and the national regulatory authorities in the other European Union member states with respect to the measures envisaged. The European Commission, BEREC and the other regulatory authorities will be able to send ANCOM comments and observations within one month after the notification date.
This decision shall become applicable when communicated by ANCOM to the operator. The separate financial statements for 2011 are to be drawn up based on the new regulation.