Press Releases

More than 7 million subscribers to audio-visual programme retransmission services in Romania

By the end of 2015, there were more than 7 million subscribers to paid audio-visual programme retransmission services, 4% more than in the previous year. Among these, almost 4.6 million subscribe to cable networks, 2.4 million subscribe to satellite networks (DTH) and 80 thousand subscribe to services provided through IP technology (IPTV). The penetration rate of audio-visual services at household level exceeded 94%, according to the data the providers reported to ANCOM. Infographic here.
Subscribers to cable networks amount to65% of all those who receive paid TV programmes,up by 3.8% in 2015, to 4.6 million, whereas 34% of the subscribers, i.e. 2.4 million (+4.3%), benefit from TV programmes provided over DTH satellite networks. Subscribers to retransmission services provided through IP technology weigh 1% of the total, their number growing by 26%, up to 80 thousand.
Out of the 4.6 million subscribers to retransmission services provided over cable networks, 1.9 million benefitted from services in digital format (up by approximately 10% compared to end-2014), i.e. the penetration rate of digital cable services at household level reached 25%.
Of all the 7 million subscribers to audio-visual programme retransmission services, approximately 60% live in urban areas, the rest of 40% living in rural areas. Most of the subscribers in urban areas (81%) benefitted from cable services, 17% from DTH satellite, and 2% from services over IP technology. On the other hand, in rural areas, most of the subscribers - 60% - received TV programmes by means of DTH satellite networks, almost 40% by cable networks, the subscribers to IP technology services being negligible (0.2%).
Concerning the reception mode, the number of subscribers to digital retransmission programme services keeps growing, up to 4.4 million out of the 7 million subscribers, registering a 7% y.o.y. growth. In respect of the transmission support, approximately 55% of the subscribers received TV programmes in digital format by means of satellite networks (DTH), whereas 43% of them accessed such programmes over cable networks, and 2% by means of IP technology (IPTV).
ANCOM elaborated the integrated statistical data report for the Romanian electronic communications market in 2015 based on the statistical data reported by the active providers of electronic communications services that conducted commercial activities between 1 July and 31 December 2015, and made it available, in Romanian, here.Â