Press Releases

Termination of a telecom services contract


ANCOM: Before requesting the termination of a contract with a provider of telephony, internet or television services, the users are advised to check the termination terms in that contract.
Contract termination upon the user’s request
First, when requesting the termination of a contract with an electronic communications service provider, a user must take into account some of the issues he/she should find in the contract:
  •  whether the initial contract duration has expired;
  •  the penalties applicable to the user if he/she requests the contract termination before the expiry of the initial contract duration;
  •  the deadline and modalities for submitting a contract termination request, as well as the term within which the actual contract termination is operated (e.g. 30 days from the date of submitting the request).
Some providers offer the possibility to request the contract termination of by telephone. However, it is safer to make the request in writing and send it by postal service with advice of delivery or to submit it to one of your provider’s workstations/shops and to ask for and receive a registration number. Furthermore, one should bear in mind that providers usually do not process a termination request until the user returns of the equipment offered in custody/rent pays all the standing debts.
Providers’ obligations
In addition to the information provided in the contracts with the users, the providers of telephony, internet and television services in the Romanian market have the obligation to publish, on their own websites, the following details:
ü information regarding the termination of the contracts concluded with the users, in compliance with ANCOM Decision no.158/2015 on the providers’ obligations to inform the end-users;
  •  information on the actions that users must take to obtain termination of the contract;
  •  e-mail address, postal address and telephone/fax number to which a user may submit the contract termination request;
  •  standard forms/request forms - if such forms need to be filled in - as well as information on how users can physically obtain them, as the case may be;
  •  information on applicable penalty fees in case of early contract termination, if such early termination fees are charged;
According to ANCOM Decision no.158/2015, all the items of information designed for the users should be located on the providers' websites in an easily accessible place, presented in a visible and well-structured manner.
ANCOM may take measures where a provider fails to provide information regarding contract termination in the contract or on its website. Complaints can be submitted here. 
Where a provider does not terminate a contract upon the users’ request, the user may complain to the National Authority for Consumer Protection.