A to Z contract issues

A to Z contract issues

The contract for television services is important, establishing your rights and obligations in relationship with your provider.
WARNING!According to the legislation in the electronic communications field, the providers of television services have no obligation to include the names of the retransmitted programmes in the contracts concluded with the users.
Usually, based on the chosen package, the users benefit from a minimum number of programmes, the names of the TV channels included being not specified. Thus, by contract, the provider undertakes to retransmit a minimum number of TV channels, but they reserve the right to unilaterally amend the structure of the programme grid (i.e. the actually provided TV channels) within the contract duration (following negotiations with the broadcasters, legislative amendments, rating etc.). This type of amendments does not interfere with your right to unilaterally terminate the contract without paying penalties.
On the other hand, when you benefit from a dedicated package, for which you pay an additional fee (e.g. movie package, adult content package), the provider undertakes by contract to offer the programmes included in the respective package.
Moreover, if you choose cable TV, you should receive by default the programmes in the list established by the National Audiovisual Council (NAC) and amended annually, depending on the TV ratings (”must-carry” list). Theupdated must-carry list is available on the National Council for Audiovisual website.
Contracts for the television services may be concluded in written form or at a distance.


1. Written contracts

2. Distance contracts


4. The initial contract period

5. Contract extension

6. Contract amendments

7. Contract termination